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Maskininlärning för bättre riskbedömning, diagnostik och behandling av akutsökande patienter i Skåne

Den åldrande befolkningen med många samtidigt förekommande kroniska sjukdomar, läkemedel och riskfaktorer innebär stora utmaningar för akutsjukvården. En korrekt riskbedömning av dessa patienter är en stor utmaning och avgörande för optimal vård. Samtidigt som akutfallen blir allt mer komplexa ökar tillgängligheten av information så snabbt att den mänskliga hjärnan numera sannolikt inte kan proces - 2025-03-15

Matchmaking - epidemiological research in the time of COVID-19

In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, epidemiological research is more relevant than ever. At the same time, many scientist with a clinical background are needed in the health care system. At LUPOP, we are therefore initiating a "matchmaking" service, connecting on one hand those who are risking missing on research deadlines due to working with corona patients and on the other non-clinicians who - 2025-03-15


Covid-19 in croweded suburbs PI: Kristina Jakobsson Contact person at Tornblad: Lina Al Nahar Project website Improved preparedness for future pandemics and other health crises through large-scale disease surveillance PI: Jonas Björk Project site in Lund University Research Portal LivE-COVID-19: How can living environments buffer the consequences of prolonged social isolation during the COVID-19 p - 2025-03-15

Contact & support

Support For questions or technical support, please contact: servicedesk [at] lu [dot] seExamination Coordinator at the Medical Faculty For questions regarding exam coordination, contact: prov [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (prov[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)Malin FermEmail: malin [dot] ferm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (malin[dot]ferm[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)Phone: +46 79 066 34 09QPS CoodinatorFrida ReisdalEmail: - 2025-03-15

Guides for students

Here you will find guides on how to navigate and use various features in QPS. Use the left menu to browse and read the guides. As a student at the Faculty of Medicine, you will use QPS as a tool for your learning. In QPS, all your assessment activities will be gathered. Various forms of feedback are compiled and visualized in QPS to contribute to your long-term training and development. As a stude - 2025-03-15


In an assignment, you may be required to upload or write something individually, but it can also be the case that the work is to be done in a group.Usually, assignments are mandatory, meaning that as a student, you must complete the tasks for grades to be assigned. However, there are exceptions, and the course examiner can provide information about which assignments are mandatory for your specific - 2025-03-15


Modules is a function that teachers can use to compile various things that are somehow related. It can be a theme week, a clinical placement, or an entire sub course. A simple example of an exam element is a written test where the student must pass either the regular exam, a re-exam, or the make-up exam to receive a passing grade. Fig 1 Some sub courses are more complex and may require multiple co - 2025-03-15

My feedback

In the left menu, you will find a menu item called "My feedback" (A in the image below). When you click on it, you will be taken to a list that compiles all the free-text feedback you have received during the course. You can filter the list to only show feedback received on forms, feedback from teachers on assignments, or feedback from peers on assignments (B). You can also choose to display only - 2025-03-15


Quizzes can be an important part of a course and offer many opportunities. They can, for example, be used as a tool to help you as a student - and the teacher - identify knowledge levels and to get an idea of which areas may need more attention. It is also a good way to practice and test your ability to apply knowledge and skills that you are working on during the course. Course quizzes Open your - 2025-03-15

Written exams

How does a written exam work in QPS?Exams in QPS are taken using an iPad provided by the faculty. If the exam includes free-text questions, a keyboard is also used.When you log in, you enter what is called the exam lobby. You may log in and wait in the lobby until the exam starts. Usually, a password is required to start the exam, and the password is verbally communicated by the exam invigilator a - 2025-03-15

Guides for staff

Here you will find guides on how to use the different functions in QPS. Use the menu here to the left to browse among the QPS guides. The system is under continual development and the guides are updated as new features become available. Below is a brief summary of each guide. Analytics: This tab in QPS summarises collected data into analyses, results and other aggregated information. What is displ - 2025-03-15


Learn more about QPS A digital tool for systematic assessment and feedback, examination and quality assurance of education at the Faculty of Medicine. Sign in to QPS Enter your university account ( in the Microsoft window. To new students Welcome to the Faculty of Medicine! Here, we have gathered everything you need to know to get started with QPS, Quality and Progress System - a - 2025-03-15

For students

QPS information for students As a student, you use QPS mainly as a tool for learning, as well as a place to collect all of your assessments. Different forms of feedback are compiled and visualised in QPS, to help your long-term learning and professional development. As a student, the system allows you to get a systematic overview of all your feedback throughout your education. Shortcuts Guides for - 2025-03-15


In Analytics, all the data you gather throughout your education is collected and summarized. In QPS, you can find the Analytics tab in the left menu. Click on the box below to access guides on how to navigate, sort, and interpret your data. Analytics is a feature that is under development. Some functionality is already built into the current version of the tab, more will come during 2024.The goal - 2025-03-15

The app Orzone Forms

Digital assessment forms can be filled in on your computer or phone in QPS, or via the app Orzone Forms. Please note that Orzone Forms has replaced the earlier app Ortrac Scholar. Orzone Forms is more stable and offers a better interface for assessments.Download the appThe app is available from Apple Store and Google Play. Log inClick on "Login". In the next window, click on the plus sign to add y - 2025-03-15

To new students

Welcome to the Medical Faculty! Here, we have gathered everything you need to know to get started with QPS, Quality and Progress System - a digital tool that you will use continuously throughout your study period. As a student, you will use QPS as a tool for your learning. In QPS, all your assessment activities will be gathered. Various forms of feedback are compiled and visualized in QPS to contr - 2025-03-15